
Monday, September 16, 2013

Weekend Project: DIY Slides Viewer with Slider

I set out to do this DIY project for a couple of reasons.

1) I wanted a simple slide viewer in order to have some of my selected work digitalised. I had wanted to use my Kindermann slide projector but the lack of a proper white screen puts me off and I am not about to spend large sums of cash on a new projection screen. So I decided to improvise on what I have.

2) Upon digitalisation, I plan to have the negatives...well, they are actually positives 😊 removed from the slides mounting as I have another project that uses the slides mounts as its main ingredient.

Now back to the slide viewer.

It's a very simple and easy to DIY viewer. I use an old table lamp. Changed the amber bulb to a white bulb. Then measure the diameter of the lamp 'shade'.

The slider viewer is made using a thick black card by cutting a 1.5 inch strip and roll it along the lamp shade diameter. Just make sure it fits neatly, not too tight and not too easy to slide off.

Cut a piece of rectangle black card and measure a mounted slide on the middle. Cut a square out in the middle but make sure the cutting is smaller than the actual slide size.

Cut two 2 inch strips and glue them across the top and bottom of the rectangle card. But ensure that you leave a bit of gap between each horizontal sizes of the strips to act as sliders when you place mounted slides in between them.

As for the squarish hole in the middle of the rectangle card, cut a piece of white paper and glue it behind the square creating a screen-like look. I tried using tracing paper for this but didn't like the effect as it is off-white. I also tried using a very thin lint paper-like material for this but it doesn't allow enough light to pass through from the lamp.

Now the slider is done. Glue the circle made with the strip earlier onto the rectangle slider screen. When it's dry, it will assemble to look like this.

The top L photo is the view of the slider front facing and the lamp used.

Top R shows the slider viewer from the back. The white paper is glued here so that when faced front, it looks like a screen, albeit a small one. 

Bottom L is how the slider looks with a mounted slide in between the 2 strips of paper glued on top of the slider.

Bottom R is how it looks like when assembled and mounted on the lamp.

Ignore Crappy and the aquarium though. I needed extra backlight so that's the best background to set the stuff on the front.

This is a bigger photo of the slide viewed using this DIY slider viewer. Photo taken using my Sony Xperia S.

This photo was taken in 1997. Yes! That long ago.

All measurements used are based on convenience and a little common sense. There is no hard and fast 'rule' here...er...pun intended.

Next, I have to start cleaning the selected slides. Then using this slider viewer, a DSLR and an extension tube, it's digitalisation time.

More of the very natural and pretty June, the model above (one of the best models I've had the privilege working with) and other subjects soon.

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