
Thursday, March 28, 2013

which one should I bag? (part 1 of a few more)

I’ve been using my Lowepro Fastpack 250 for a couple of years and I enjoy using this bag since I’m a backpack person. 

I have a modest collection of backpacks that I use interchangeably, both for photography and non-photography stuff. Ok I confess my bag (esp backpack) fetish matches some ladies' handbag collection.

But I have a little gripe about backpacks…they tend to look huge and intimidating for street work, at least mine do.

Ask any photographers and they'll admit that they are always in need of yet another bag. Come on guys, help me out on this :p

This time around I want a simpler, inconspicuous messenger bag to lug my gear around as I do not want to look too ‘photographer like’ and risk anything untoward happening to my gear when I’m out shooting. Perfect excuse! Haha!

I researched online for a bag that matches my needs going through the many good brands available in KL shops and the usual suspects such as Lowepro (Pro Messenger & Inverse 200AW), Vanguard (Up-Rise 38) and Manfrotto (Stile Unica VII) were later shortlisted.

Camera bags are an expensive investment. On top of that, if you are after Lowepro you need to be careful with imitation Lowepros that are on sale along with originals even in those so-called reliable shops. Of course unscrupulous merchants (yes, even the big names) still and do overprice their products and there are even those who’d pass off used products as new ones. Welcome to Kuala Lumpur, the territory where some seemingly genuine merchants hoard imitation stuff and pass them off as originals.

One simple advice on purchasing camera bags. Go for a reliable brand. No second guessing this one. 

Next: which one should I bag?

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