
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

photography workshop for children

I'd like to share something exciting...

I choose to focus on street photography because I believe there is a story waiting to be told behind each photograph. But stories can't be told unless we put at least an interesting caption or better yet, a synopsis to it. 

Then for a more compelling tale, we would need to describe the scene, why the photo was being taken, the surrounding circumstances that people don't see beyond the frame and more.

The photo is just one scene, the description tells the story.

The objective of this workshop is to encourage children to be able to tell a story through the combination of photography and writing.

With this in mind, I would like to share this self-improvised workshop in the art of street shooting coupled with the skills of story writing.

Here are some preliminary details:

Workshop Duration:
4 weekends

Classroom lecture
Street shooting
Story writing (based on photographs taken)
Kuala Lumpur (actual venue to be confirmed)
Class size:
Maximum 6
Workshop starts when the first 6 sign up
Children between 15 to 18
What you need:
A camera (digital or film)

Charges will be minimal as I am sourcing for sponsors / donation for this workshop. I also plan to fund this via crowd-funding where necessary. 

If sponsorship is encouraging, we will provide all the essential tools to the children to make their learning experience a truly memorable and productive one.

I do not aim to make money out of this as my main objective is sharing but I need to cover certain aspect of the cost involved. So kindly drop me a line if you or someone you know wishes to sponsor this programme.

Medium of instruction will be in English or Bahasa Malaysia depending on group preference.

Contact me at 0126652323 or quartzimodo@gmail.com

Or leave me a word on this page.

Thank you!

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