
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

missed photo opportunities…or not exactly

How many times have you come across a scene that you feel will make a good picture but missed taking the picture possibly because you do not have your camera with you at that moment or you missed the timing completely?

Some photographers’ advice is to take note of the missed photo opportunity and revisit the place hoping that the scene or a better one might be recreated. I do not take notes but I do make it a point to remember the scene. Here’s how…

I have this aptitude for “taking a picture” with a blink of my eyes. I’ve done it for years and I can recall and playback these “pictures” vividly anytime.

It may sound weird but it is, for me, a way to capture the perfect images that put a smile on my face every time I play them back…pretty freaky huh? Haha…I’m grinning even as I’m writing this because a few interesting images flashed across my mind…

I actually do carry my camera with me most of the time. However carrying your camera does not always mean you have to click the shutter. Many a times, I’ve have the shot framed but I stopped short of click the shutter and ended up giving the shot a miss altogether. I’m pretty sure some of you have this experience. For me this is perfectly fine. If the shot is worth taking, it would have been “shot” with my eyes anyway ;)

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