
Showing posts with label colours of life in black and white. Show all posts
Showing posts with label colours of life in black and white. Show all posts

Thursday, May 2, 2013

why is KL a perfect place for street photography

Here are some reasons why Kuala Lumpur is a much loved and at times loathed place for street photographers:

When it rains, it pours.
Sadly, when it pours water rises.
In the middle of the streets.
It is shameful for a metropolitan.
Nothing escapes.
Cats, rats and those with hats. 

The back alleys.
A gem for street photographers.
Despite the filth, spills and occasion chills (due to safety concerns).

Pre-war buildings.
This one was built in 1906.
Used to house a popular Hainanese Coffee Shop.
Closed down after operating here since 1928.
Legacy personified.

Modern skyscrapers.
View from L28 of a fine dining restaurant.
Rush hour.
Standstill traffic.
But it's luxurious and less stressful inside here.

Convent Bukit Nanas.
Est. 1899.
Hallmark of a place where education was born and personalities perfected.

John Woo would love KL to bits.

Evening cruise.
Tolled highways.
A standard feature in Kuala Lumpur.

Aka twin towers.
Crowd puller.
Invaded by Chinese tourists during the day and foreign workers on weekends.

The nooks and corners.
View from my office room.
Featuring a malfunctioned clock tower built in 1937.
Makes sense.

Early morning drive.
The only time traffic jams are absent.

Twin Towers revisited.
From inside my car.
Sandwiched between a building in progress and a completed hotel.

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

street photography: some thoughts

Often time I am asked why I have such immense interest in street photography.

To be honest, I have not really thought about it...until recently.

If I may put it briefly in three sentences:

I think it tests my reactions yet calms my patience.

It allows me to see colours in monochrome (it's like seeing the colours of life even in black and white)

And, most importantly it tells a story before, during and after the picture is taken.