
Wednesday, January 30, 2013

my first SLR...and the drama of how I came to own one

The previous 2 posts were a bit of a diversion from the originally promised upcoming post...so let's get back on track here...

Known as the Canon EOS 500N or New EOS Kiss in Japan and Rebel G in US, this was the very first SLR camera I owned. How I came into investing in this camera? Thanks for asking ;p

As a student back then, I used to commute in my trusty motorcycle (the folks here referred to one as ‘kapchai’) it’s a rather small Suzuki Best 110cc bike that made me looked like a performing circus bear when riding it as I’m rather huge.

What does this bike had to do with my eventual foray into owning my first SLR?

One evening, while resting at home, one of my students (I used to conduct private tuition to secondary school students to earn some extra income) came over to my place and asked to borrow my bike. He said his dad was involved in a traffic accident and he needs transport to get to the scene. I gave my keys to him without thinking twice.

Until very late that night, there was still no sight of this guy and my bike. Then I walked to his house which was just about 200m away from mine. To my surprise I saw his dad, and his car at home. So I asked his dad if he had been involved in any accidents and where the boy was. He replied in the negative and told me that they have had an argument earlier in the day and he ran off from house.

Reality set in. My bike has been stolen! Although technically I actually gave the keys to him…so in essence I was duped into parting with my bike.

I made a police report the next day and went shopping for a new bike a few days later because I was not confident that the police would eventually find it but within a month, the police had found the boy and my bike. By then I had already gotten myself a new (and bigger) bike, a Yamaha TZM 150.

When the bike was found, it was already heavily modified, probably to make it difficult for the police to identify it. Kid’s got great talent in modding bikes I must say. If not for the chassis number stamped on the engine, I would not have recognised my bike at all.

I brought it to the very shop I purchased it from…the same shop I had purchased my new bike to replace this one and I asked the owner of the shop to give me a good price for it. The owner said he’ll take it for RM1,400 (USD450 at current exchange rate). I took the offer and he paid me cash for it.

It was also during that time that I started surveying for a new camera, one that would be my official first SLR. There were not much of information on cameras on the Internet back then and couple that with my online search skills that was mostly limited to searching a certain types of pictures ;)

I had to resort to the shop owner’s recommendations, and the fact that he has a pretty assistant in the shop helps (for his business of course)…naïve young man meets pretty sales assistant with a cute smile = higher rate of securing sale! Simple equation.

He took out a Canon EOS 500N and a Minolta (can’t remember the exact model). I was immediately attracted to the Canon design. Now looks actually counts when it comes to product selection, at least to a novice who does not know what he’s buying.

He gave me some discounts and freebies in the form of a Canon camera bag, some 6 rolls of films, accessories such as cleaning kit, etc in a ‘starter kit’ bundle, all for RM1,400!

Coincidence? Perhaps.

I was now a proud owner of this EOS 500N. I was indeed a beauty of a camera, at least that’s how I thought of this camera. It comes with an 18-55mm EF kit lens to get a novice like me started in photography. I recently took this out from my store and tested in out and it still works! My habit of taking care and storing my stuff well contributed to this.

Click here for the complete specification of the 500N

I would later add a battery grip, a Canon Speedlite 380EX, a Canon EF 75-300mm f4/5.6 III USM lens and some pretty neat camera support to the kit :)

More on the upcoming posts ;)

Note: Product pictures shown here are from Google Images

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